A data visualization of Toronto Paramedic Services dispatches from 2010, compared to Toronto population size.
Section 1 1.0 Installing and importing dependencies # !{sys.executable} -m pip install requests
# !{sys.executable} -m pip install pandas
# !{sys.executable} -m pip install xlrd
# !{sys.executable} -m pip install openpyxl
# !{sys.executable} -m pip install matplotlib
# !{sys.executable} -m pip install folium
import sys
import pandas as pd
import requests
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import folium
import re
2.0 Loading and cleaning Toronto Paramedic data # Read the dispatch dataset in with time-indexing
dispatches = pd . read_excel ( r '/Users/erincameron/Desktop/datacamp/github/datacamp/datasets/tps_incident_data_2010-2019.xlsx' , parse_dates = True , index_col = "Dispatch_Time" )
dispatches . sort_index ()
dispatches . head ()
3.0 Subsetting data # subset for only 2010 Dispatch_Times
dispatches_df = dispatches . loc [ "2010-01-01 00:01:36" : "2010-12-31 23:57:27" ]
# remove any missing data points
dispatches_df . isna ()
dispatches_df . fillna ( value = 0 , inplace = True )
dispatches_df . dropna ()
# subset the data for the most recent year of calls (in 2019)
call_counts = dispatches_df . FSA . value_counts (). rename_axis ( 'FSA' ). reset_index ( name = 'counts' )
print ( call_counts )
FSA counts
0 M6K 4481
1 M5A 4202
2 M4C 3846
3 M1E 3809
4 M1P 3802
.. ... ...
150 N2G 1
151 N4S 1
152 L2P 1
153 L5C 1
154 L6R 1
[ 155 rows x 2 columns ]
# check if there are any missing values
print ( call_counts [ "FSA" ]. isnull (). sum ())
Section 2 1.0 Loading and cleaning Toronto Population dataset population = pd . read_excel ( r '/Users/erincameron/Desktop/datacamp/github/datacamp/datasets/canada_population_by_postal.xlsx' )
population . sort_index ()
population . head ()
rename_pop_column = to_population . rename ( columns = { 'Geographic code' : 'FSA' }, inplace = False )
# print(rename_pop_column.head())
call_counts = pd . merge ( call_counts , rename_pop_column , on = "FSA" )
call_counts = call_counts . rename ( columns = { 'Population, 2016' : 'population' }, inplace = False )
call_counts [ "call_per_capita" ] = call_counts [ "counts" ] / call_counts [ "population" ]
print ( call_counts . head ())
FSA counts Geographic name Province or territory \
0 M6K 4481 M6K Ontario
1 M5A 4202 M5A Ontario
2 M4C 3846 M4C Ontario
3 M1E 3809 M1E Ontario
4 M1P 3802 M1P Ontario
Incompletely enumerated Indian reserves and Indian settlements , 2016 \
0 NaN
1 NaN
2 NaN
3 NaN
4 NaN
population Total private dwellings , 2016 \
0 40957.0 23344.0
1 41078.0 24186.0
2 46866.0 20178.0
3 46943.0 17637.0
4 45571.0 17129.0
Private dwellings occupied by usual residents , 2016 call_per_capita
0 22023.0 0.109407
1 22333.0 0.102293
2 19431.0 0.082064
3 17161.0 0.081141
4 16540.0 0.083430
2.0 Subsetting data # identify the outliers
print ( call_counts . sort_values ( "call_per_capita" ). tail ())
FSA counts Geographic name Province or territory \
23 M5B 2901 M5B Ontario
15 M5G 3143 M5G Ontario
81 M5H 1070 M5H Ontario
127 L4V 5 L4V Ontario
103 L5T 108 L5T Ontario
Incompletely enumerated Indian reserves and Indian settlements , 2016 \
23 NaN
15 NaN
81 NaN
127 NaN
103 NaN
population Total private dwellings , 2016 \
23 12785.0 8249.0
15 8423.0 5876.0
81 2005.0 1718.0
127 5.0 1.0
103 5.0 10.0
Private dwellings occupied by usual residents , 2016 call_per_capita
23 7058.0 0.226907
15 4929.0 0.373145
81 1243.0 0.533666
127 1.0 1.000000
103 4.0 21.600000
# Subset data to remove outlier datapoints at index 127 and 103 - data that is outside of Toronto boundaries
call_counts = call_counts [( call_counts [ "call_per_capita" ] > 0.000000 ) & ( call_counts [ "call_per_capita" ] <= 0.533666 )]
print ( call_counts . sort_values ( "call_per_capita" ). tail ())
Visualizing the Data 1.0 Number of Dispatches per Postal Code url = (
call_geo = f " { url } /toronto_m.geojson"
m = folium . Map ( location = [ 43.7000 , - 79.3832 ], zoom_start = 10 )
folium . Choropleth (
geo_data = call_geo ,
name = "choropleth" ,
data = call_counts ,
columns = [ "FSA" , "counts" ],
key_on = "feature.properties.CFSAUID" ,
fill_color = "BuPu" ,
fill_opacity = 0.7 ,
line_opacity = 0.5 ,
legend_name = "Number of Dispatches per Postal Code" ,
). add_to ( m )
folium . LayerControl (). add_to ( m )
2.0 Toronto Population, 2016 url = (
call_geo = f " { url } /toronto_m.geojson"
m = folium . Map ( location = [ 43.7000 , - 79.3832 ], zoom_start = 10 )
folium . Choropleth (
geo_data = call_geo ,
name = "choropleth" ,
data = call_counts ,
columns = [ "FSA" , "population" ],
key_on = "feature.properties.CFSAUID" ,
fill_color = "BuPu" ,
fill_opacity = 0.7 ,
line_opacity = 0.5 ,
legend_name = "Population" ,
). add_to ( m )
folium . LayerControl (). add_to ( m )
3.0 Number of Dispatches per Capita url = (
call_geo = f " { url } /toronto_m.geojson"
m = folium . Map ( location = [ 43.7000 , - 79.3832 ], zoom_start = 10 )
folium . Choropleth (
geo_data = call_geo ,
name = "choropleth" ,
data = call_counts ,
columns = [ "FSA" , "call_per_capita" ],
key_on = "feature.properties.CFSAUID" ,
fill_color = "BuPu" ,
fill_opacity = 0.7 ,
line_opacity = 0.5 ,
legend_name = "Number of Calls per Capita" ,
). add_to ( m )
folium . LayerControl (). add_to ( m )
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